

4º of 7 in Online TV


Get a lot of fun with the gameplays of thousands of users and create your own emissions.

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We can follow thousands of channels with gameplays of videogames.
Channels with implemented chat.
It has functions of social network.
It is easy to stream our own videos.


When we start, we can get confused as there is not a good starting guide.
You need software (and, a lot of times, it is payment software) to record and stream our own game streamings.
Both the streaming as well as the view of the channels depend a lot on a good Internet connection.

Twitch is the popular platform of emission of videos in streaming dedicated to the gamers of the world. From, you will be able to play all your recordings, watch the guides and the gameplays of other players and chat in channels with the rest of the users.

It is the portal of specialized in video games, a field that has grown a lot in the recent years, with thousands of players wanting to see and record gameplays (games or game sessions). Here, the video channels are organized by users (for if we follow someone in particular) and by videogame, for if we are looking for the games of a concrete game.

If we register in the portal, we will be able to access to any channel and watch it in live, chatting besides other users (and the owner of the channel) while we do it.

Of course, we will be able to record and stream our own videos using a capture and transition of video program (in fact, Twitch recommends some of them). Remember, also, that from the last updates of Minecraft, it is integrated in Twitch and we can stream in live all our games.

When 'watching TV' a lot of things have changed and, maybe the traditional channels to enjoy of hours of games, events and tournaments... in, you will be able to find all kind of channels, no matter if they are from users or recommended means like Gamespot or Destructoid. And, when you feel like that, you will be able to take the step and stream also your own games in live.

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1 review by registered users





10 years and 7 months ago

A good way to find a lot of videos of games. also streaming yours. I'm now asking myself seriously

helpful? Thanks

4 votes

Original review in Spanish translated with Google Translate. Read the original.

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The service of is free, but there is a modality of payment that is known as "Turbo" that consists of:

  • No advertising

  • Exclusive set of smileys

  • Customized chat emblem

  • Increase number of colors for the chat

  • A lot of other advantages.


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