EVE online

EVE online


5º of 5 in Futuristic games

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3 downloads (last 7 days)

A universe which is full of possibilities

Review by

In the gaming world of MMO (massive multiplayer online) there is life which goes beyond the World of Warcraft, in fact this is a veteran game with thousands of regular players. Not only that, but EVE Online is the most complete space MMO that you can find around today.

The first time you play it can seem overwhelming: you see yourself just floating around in a vacuum in space, surrounded by huge spaceships, planets and space stations while you try to learn about the deep history of the universe and to use the extensive interface. It is not an easy game at the beginning, but in the long run all of your efforts will be rewarded.

As you go on progressing in the missions you will gradually earn more money and buy larger and more powerful spaceships. You will be able to take part in the policies and trade of the universe, as all existing objects are provided by the players themselves. And if you want action you can enlist in the different factions to fight against enemy empires or space pirates (which by the way, can also be players).

It all takes place in one universe, there are no levels or loading screens, and all of the players in the world are in it. To give you an idea, EVE Online has, a few times, beaten the récord for the number of players on the same server at any one time (more than 60.000 in 2010).

To play EVE Online you must pay amonthly subscription fee. However, at mid-term you can pay this fee with the credits you earn from the game. Therefore this means that if you are advanced players playing on a regular basis, you will not have to pay with real money.
If you are afraid of going into the lightness of this vast world, you can access it previously at free 14 day trial and try it out to see what you think.

Ratings about EVE online


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  • 2
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2 reviews by registered users





10 years and 8 months ago

Without offending anyone and that no one misunderstand my opinion but a game that is only in English and not plan to translate it into more languages ​​is a nuisance grandisimo game for those who do not defend well in English and then to top it off have to pay fees to play and is we finished. For many graphics need and much gameplay that has in my view not worth the game I pay for a product that interests me for the game as there are in other online games, as I say is my opinion I do not want anyone to angry.

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1 votes

Original review in Spanish translated with Google Translate. Read the original.






12 years ago

I tried it and it is very difficult, but it is so complete that every now and then I go back to try. It seems that lately have become more accessible so

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Original review in Spanish translated with Google Translate. Read the original.


Procesador a 1.5 Ghz
Memoria RAM de 1 Gb
Espacio mínimo en disco duro de 6 Gb

New version 21.05

The EVE Online expansion: Inferno is inlcuded free together with this game, along with all future expansions.

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Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11


9 months ago


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