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With VNC program you can connect computers through Internet

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Now you can see your screen of your computer where you like, as if you are in front of your desktop. You can have access in your computer wherever you are in an easy way.

VNC is a program for virtual network computing. This application allows you to interact with a server computer and another computer which is on the Internet using a simple program for viewing the computer connected in the network.

It is not necessary both computer has the same type, for example, you can use VNC program to see a Linux in your Windows computer of your house.

VNC is free and easy to get because it is useful for a lot of user because it is a simple manner for interacting with different computers.

The most useful thing about this program is that you can use your computer from anywhere you want and it gives you a wide range of advantages, because you can work wherever and whenever you want, without having to be aware of always carry you USB memories or external hard drives.


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Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8


8 years ago


Security analysis


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