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The app from Amazon to read eBooks is now available for your Android: read as much as you want and everywhere.

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Now, you can convert your smartphone or tablet in an eBooks reader with the app from Amazon to read electronic books: Kindle. To use it, you just need to have an account in Amazon and you will be able to enjoy more than a million books available in it library. In the virtual shelves of Kindle, you will find the last news and the best sellers, as well as the classics of the literature. The majority of the books to download have a really affordable price, but also you can download for free a lot of the classics.

The app also offers you for free the first chapter of all the books, so you can read it and decide if you like the book and want to buy it or if not. You will also have access a bunch of digital magazines.

Kindle allows you to customize the format of the books so you can use it according to your preferences when reading. Also, you will be able to modify the size of the text, the color of the fonts as well as the background of it and adjust the brightness of the screen, amongst many other options. Of course, the program adapts the rotation of your device, so you can read in horizontal or vertical, according to what is more comfortable for you.

One of the numerous advantages of reading books in digital format is the easiness of interaction. You can keep pressed any word that appears in the text and get a detailed definition of it. Also, it offers you direct links to Google and Wikipedia to be able to know even more. It is a good advantage to be able to look inside the text of the book any concept, character or place that you want to check. It is really useful to contextualize when we do not remember where a character comes from or to remind to what something makes reference.

To decide for a book or for another, you will be able to check the opinions of other readers and receive customized recommendations of Kindle based on your literary likes. Finally, the technology Whispersync allows you to use Kindle in all your devices (Android, iOS, PC...) and it remember the configuration as well as the last page you read, so it is not difficult for you to find where you stopped.

Convert your smartphone or tablet Android in a comfortable and complete reader of electronic books with Kindle, the app for eBooks from Amazon.

Ratings about Kindle


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4 reviews by registered users





1 year and 9 months ago

Before I had the Kindle as a computer, the one that looks like the Tablet, it was very pleasant for me to read, as well as being portable. But it broke down for me, I started using the app and it has all the features besides books, it is very useful, so much so that I no longer feel the need to look for another device to read.

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Original review in Spanish translated with Google Translate. Read the original.





1 year and 9 months ago

The only difference that I find very noticeable between the application and the device is the screen configuration. On the device, it can be read better because it is larger and because the screen can be tinted, but even if I lower the brightness of my cell phone, it is still annoying if a long time passes.

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Original review in Spanish translated with Google Translate. Read the original.





1 year and 9 months ago

What I don't like about Kindle is that no matter how many I buy, the limit is only 20 books at a time, usually it doesn't bother me, but I like to have them all stored in one place, also if I change the account or cancel it and I turn it on again, everything is lost.

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Original review in Spanish translated with Google Translate. Read the original.





A good eBook reader, but can be improved

11 years and 3 months ago

It's like having an ebook reader in the mobile, adapts well to Android, and it works great (at least on my tablet). It could be improved by adding support for more formats and expanding catalog of books in Spanish.

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Original review in Spanish translated with Google Translate. Read the original.

New version 6.73

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37.29 MB

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English | Spanish 

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Android 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0


1 year and 5 months ago


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