


1º of 1 in Song lyrics

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Sing along to your favorite songs while displaying the lyrics on your device

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Find and sync lyrics with the music playing
Allows to translate the lyrics into more than 40 languages
Also supports streaming music and music from a video stream portal
Customizable playlists
Create and share inspirational "Lyric Art"
Built-in songs recognition system


It can't find every song ever recorded, and neither allow to search them by external services

TuneWiki is a powerful lyrics search engine with which you'll be able to read the lyrics of your favorite music synced with the song playing. If you want to sing to the songs you love with their authentic lyrics scrolling on your device screen while the music sounds, this is the app you're looking for.

This original app is really useful for searching the lyrics of the songs playing at your device to sing or read them while the music is on, either from your audio library or from an online radio service, or a stream video service, such as YouTube. Anytime you want to know a song lyric, you can search it by its title, author or even typing a little from the lyric. But the best of all is that if you don't remember any of this things or you simply don't know the song title, you can use the this application's built-in songs recognition system, similar to Shazam's and SoundHound.

Whatever is the song you're listening to, you'll be able to sing it along with its lyrics and read it confortably while the text scrolls on your screen synchronized with the music. The process is easy and quick, it won't take you more than a few steps. this program graphic design is really functional and intuitive, specially considering the great amount of features it offers. In addition to finding lyrics in their original language, this interesting app is capable of instantly translate the text into more than 40 languages.

Also noteworthy is that you can manage your favorite tracks in playlists and keep their lyrics attached, besides of viewing and editing the detailed information and tags of each song, album and artist. Another interesting feature on this software is a simple but original tool which with you can create pictures and designs with your favorite pieces of lyrics. You can design inspirational images together with your favorite lyrics statements and share them on social networks and with the TuneWiki community, where you'll see, not only other users' designs, but the most popular lyrics and songs currently.    

These are only the most remarkable features you can find on TuneWiki, an app for searching and syncing song lyrics while the music plays. It also includes some extra features and surprises that make the app far more useful and amusing, beyond its primary fucntion. If you'd like to watch the lyrics of your favorite songs scrolling on your device's screen while the music is sounding from your library or online via some streaming video or music service, you should download TuneWiki for free to your Android smartphone and tablet.

Ratings about TuneWiki


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2 reviews by registered users





Could be far better

10 years and 9 months ago

They have forgotten the main utility of the app in favor of the social features, but they still not allowing which would be the best social feature: letting the users upload and share the lyrics they can't find on TuneWiki.

helpful? Thanks

1 votes





Somewhat unstable, but good

10 years and 9 months ago

Okay, but do not find songs that are not popular, say, and not looking outside your particular database. It is also a bit shaky, though it is improving, and "LyricArt" are fun

helpful? Thanks
Original review in Spanish translated with Google Translate. Read the original.


It's fully featured and for free, but ad-supported

New version 4.6.6

- Lyric Art now offers filters and new ways to customize lyrics
- Tag your friends with less typing: @mentions now use auto-complete
- Bug fixes and performance improvements

Additional details


10.55 MB

Latest version




Total Downloads


Works with

Android 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3


9 years and 8 months ago

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