The Walking Dead: Season One

The Walking Dead: Season One


11º of 37 in Zombie games

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7 downloads (last 7 days)

Download The Walking Dead: Season One for Android and immerse yourself in a gripping tale of survival at the zenith of the zombie apocalypse.

Review by


Deep, choice-driven narrative
Strong character development
Distinctive graphic novel art style
Engaging quick-time event gameplay


May not perform optimally on older devices
Can consume a considerable amount of battery
Some may find the mature content disturbing
Requires payment to unlock full game

The Walking Dead: Season One is a gripping narrative-driven survival game for Android, inviting players to step into the shoes of protagonist Lee Everett, amidst a zombie apocalypse. This app stands out for its deep storytelling, impactful character development, and the blend of puzzle solving, exploration, and quick-time events that all contribute to the allure of this harrowing adventure.

Explore the key narrative elements

Engaging in The Walking Dead: Season One, you’ll find the narrative unfolds through a series of episodes that demand crucial decision-making, affecting the progression of the story and your relationships with other characters. The game is lauded for its rich character arcs that anchor the player emotionally, as they carve their own tale of survival.

Choice is a fundamental part of the gameplay experience, not just a gimmick. Each choice you make can lead to a drastically different outcome, fostering a unique experience for each player. This emotional heft is not something found in just any mobile game, making The Walking Dead: Season One stand out in a saturated market.

What makes the story of game so captivating?

The game’s story excels due to its crafted dialogue and unforeseen twists. Players are often faced with heart-wrenching decisions that have no clear-cut answers, forcing them to weigh their morals against the dire need for survival. This results in a narrative depth that compels players to think deeply about every choice they make.

The Walking Dead: Season One solidifies its narrative through well-realized characters such as Clementine, a young girl that Lee must protect. Clementine’s relationship with Lee grows organically, resonating with the player and forming the emotional core of the game.

Delve into the dynamic gameplay mechanics of The Walking Dead: Season One

The gameplay of The Walking Dead: Season One is a smooth blend of interactive storytelling and quick-time events that keep the player consistently engaged. Puzzles and challenges are intelligently interwoven into the narrative, demanding more than just reflexes, but also sharp wit to help characters overcome obstacles.

Resource management is a subtle yet crucial component, as players must often choose who to allocate scarce supplies to, further affecting relationships and the balance within the survivor group. These mechanics ensure that the gameplay complements the narrative, rather than distracting from it.

How does decision-making impact gameplay in game?

The decision-making mechanics of The Walking Dead: Season One affect gameplay down to its very fabric. Not only do your decisions influence the narrative, but they also affect the gameplay directly. Characters may remember your choices, causing them to act differently or even impacting who remains in your party as the saga unfolds.

This ripple effect creates a personalised journey through the post-apocalyptic world of The Walking Dead. Every session is a fresh experience, as different choices lead to new challenges and interactions. It’s a masterful execution of the ‘actions have consequences’ philosophy in gaming.

Discover the graphical and audio presentation

Visually, The Walking Dead: Season One features a distinctive art style that mirrors the aesthetic of the original comic books. The hand-drawn textures and character models imbue the game with a gritty and atmospheric feel, enhancing the overall immersion of the experience.

Moreover, the game’s score and voice acting are worth noting. The music adeptly underscores the tension and emotion of the game’s events, while the voice acting brings depth and authenticity to the characters, making every moment in The Walking Dead: Season One resonate with the player.

What is the visual and auditory experience like it?

The visual experience in The Walking Dead: Season One is akin to walking through a living graphic novel. The unique art style presents a world that is at once beautiful and harrowing, filled with detailed environments that tell their own tales of desolation and hope.

Audio is key to The Walking Dead’s ambiance, with every groan of a zombie and creak of a door heightening the suspense. The immersive sound design complements the narrative and gives life to the characters, cementing The Walking Dead: Season One as an impressive technical accomplishment on mobile platforms.

Discuss The Walking Dead: Season One’s compatibility and performance on Android devices

The performance of The Walking Dead: Season One on Android devices is commendable, with Telltale Games putting considerable effort into ensuring that the game runs smoothly across a wide range of smartphones and tablets. Optimisation has been a focus, making for an experience that is as stable as it is engaging.

Compatibility-wise, The Walking Dead: Season One supports a variety of Android versions, making it accessible to a vast audience. Players should note that the game is resource-intensive, and operating on a device with capable specs is advisable to get the most out of the gameplay and visuals.

How does it perform across different Android devices?

Performance tends to be fluid on recent and high-end Android devices, with few hiccups in frame rates or loading times. The game has been optimised to make use of modern hardware, providing an experience free from the frustrations that often accompany mobile gaming.

On older or entry-level devices, players may notice some variance in performance, but The Walking Dead: Season One remains playable, albeit with potential adjustments to the settings. It’s a testament to Telltale’s development skills that the game is so adaptable across the spectrum of Android hardware.

Learn how to download The Walking Dead: Season One for Android

Acquiring The Walking Dead: Season One for your Android device is straightforward. Simply visit PortalProgramas and locate the download link at the top of the page to begin the process. PortalProgramas offers a secure and reliable platform for downloading the game, ensuring that you get the official version without any hassles.

Before downloading, make sure your device meets the necessary specifications for optimal performance. Once the download is complete, the installation will commence, and you’ll be ready to start your adventure with Lee and Clementine in the world of The Walking Dead.

Identify which users would enjoy it

If you are an enthusiast for story-rich games that challenge your moral compass and strategic thinking, The Walking Dead: Season One will be a satisfying endeavour. Fans of the original comic books and TV series will appreciate the game’s faithfulness to the franchise’s ethos, though no prior knowledge of The Walking Dead universe is required to enjoy the game.

Moreover, gamers looking for a title that balances narrative depth with compelling gameplay will find The Walking Dead: Season One to be an ideal fit. Its blend of emotional storytelling, challenging decisions, and atmospheric presentation would attract anyone seeking a deep, immersive experience on their mobile device.

Headline Features

The Walking Dead: Season One combines a strong, emotionally driven narrative with challenging gameplay and choices that affect the story’s outcome.


  • Is the game episodic?

  • Can our choices change the storyline?

  • Is it necessary to have played previous games in the series?

  • Is The Walking Dead: Season One appropriate for all ages?

  • Does the game feature puzzles?

Ratings about The Walking Dead: Season One

Very good

34 votes

  • Brilliant 
  • 16
  • Very good 
  • 3
  • Normal 
  • 2
  • Bad 
  • 4
  • Dreadful 
  • 9
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2 reviews by registered users





It is very nice to be in this program

7 years and 12 months ago

I liked is an excellent program and keep it up will get more legos.

The best: It was very easy to use

The worst: everything was very positive when using the program

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1 votes

Original review in Spanish translated with Google Translate. Read the original.






10 years and 3 months ago

It's awesome; one of the best I've had.

helpful? Thanks
Original review in Spanish translated with Google Translate. Read the original.


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11.51 MB

Latest version



English | Spanish 

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Works with

Android 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0


4 years and 6 months ago


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