3 downloads (last 7 days)
The lyric of your favorite songs appears in the screen without you looking for it. Enjoy more your music.
Review by Karen M.
Even that it is simple to find the lyrics of the songs on the Internet; it is very simple to have it without having to look for it. With MiniLyrics see the lyric of a song is as easy to play it. Without even having to look for it, the lyric will appear in the screen of your computer while you listen to the song.
The program keeps on adding new lyrics of the songs to the library thanks to the collaboration of its thousands of users. Because of that, even that we will be able to find a library with lyrics in Spanish, there are a lot of lyrics in English, as the users are basically English speakers.
The app is very friendly and practical so it can be used by any kind of users. We will be able to enjoy even more of our music with it in our computer.
Ratings about MiniLyrics
Very good
60 votes
3 reviews by registered users
7 years and 5 months ago
Excellent, while you work or browse, play games, listen to music and at the same time you can see the lyrics.
I was surprised.
14 years ago
I like it because it has karaoke, and had never found a program so
2 votes
Super efficient.
13 years and 12 months ago
Because the speed is excellent at finding the lyrics.
3 votes
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Additional details
1.86 MB
Latest version
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Works with
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
10 years and 9 months ago
Crintsoft LLCSecurity analysis
Alternatives to MiniLyrics
Get your karaoke, with all the necessary tools to customize it and make it according your tastes.