The amazing Spider-Man

The amazing Spider-Man


5º of 21 in Movie games


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Download The Amazing Spider-Man for Android and swing into an adrenaline-fueled adventure across the heights of New York City!

Review by


Stunning open-world graphics that recreate New York City in high detail.
Intuitive combat system with a diverse set of abilities to master.
Engrossing narrative with iconic characters and plot twists.


May require a high-end device to run without performance issues.
The game's file size can be quite large, taking up significant storage space.
In-app purchases may be tempting for those wanting to accelerate progress.

The Amazing Spider-Man app delivers an exhilarating slice of superhero action directly to your Android device. As you test your reflexes swinging around New York City, you can expect a faithful recreation of the Spider-Man universe, complete with stunning visuals, engaging storylines, and the thrill of donning the iconic red and blue suit. With a focus on an immersive experience, users can encounter various villains and take on challenges that require a mix of strategy and agility.

Explore the detailed world of The Amazing Spider-Man

The game truly impresses with its open-world environment. Manhattan is yours to explore, with landmarks and bustling streets that fans of the franchise will immediately recognize. The level of detail ensures that every swing, climb, and fight feels unique and authentically Spider-Man.

Not only is the world expansive, but it is also interactive. You’re not just a spectator; you are Spider-Man, affecting and engaging with the surrounding environment. The game’s dynamic systems ensure that each player’s experience is truly their own.

Experience the high-quality graphics

When playing The Amazing Spider-Man, what stands out are the high-definition graphics. The character models look fantastic, and the animations are fluid, contributing to a realistic superhero experience.

The city textures, lighting effects during day and night cycles, and the accurate Spider-Man suit design all contribute to a visual treat. It’s clear that developers invested a lot of time into the visual fidelity of this game.

Engaging combat and abilities keep you hooked

Combat in The Amazing Spider-Man is anything but ordinary. Fluid animations and intuitive controls make each encounter thrilling. The app’s combat system provides a balance of challenge and fun that encourages players to master Spider-Man’s abilities.

Your skillset expands as you progress, offering new ways to take down villains. Upgrades allow for stronger web-slinging, increased agility, and stealth techniques that change how you approach each battle. Diverse abilities ensure that fighting never feels repetitive.

Master Spider-Man’s unique abilities

From web-slinging across skyscrapers to engaging in acrobatic combat, every ability you master is key to progressing in the game. Players can look forward to unlocking signature moves that improve both offense and defense, truly feeling the growth of their character.

These skills are not just for show; they are necessary to overcome the various challenges and powerful foes you’ll face. Utilizing Spider-Man’s full range of talents is crucial in becoming the superhero the city needs.

The Amazing Spider-Man’s narrative draws you in

What makes The Amazing Spider-Man an overall captivating experience is the narrative. You’re not just playing through random scenarios; you’re engrossed in a well-crafted story that has you invested in the fate of Peter Parker and his alter ego.

As the story unfolds, you’re introduced to classic villains and new characters alike, all while uncovering plot twists that keep you guessing. The storytelling is a testament to the rich lore of the Spider-Man universe and serves as a strong backbone for the entire game.

Interact with iconic characters

The presence of iconic characters such as Gwen Stacy and the nefarious Lizard adds depth to the game. During your playthrough, you will encounter and interact with many of Spider-Man’s friends and foes, which adds to the lore and excitement of the narrative.

These characters don’t just serve the plot; they bring about unique missions and challenges that are key to the advancement of the story. Interactions with them often lead to momentous events that shape your experience.

Customization options let you play your way

In addition to the game’s main features, The Amazing Spider-Man offers varying customization options. You’re not locked into one playstyle; you can adjust your approach based on the upgrades and suits you select, allowing for a personalized experience.

This level of customization doesn’t just apply to combat; it also affects how you navigate the game world and interact with the narrative. The freedom to customize your Spider-Man ensures that no two playthroughs are alike.

Create a Spider-Man that fits your playstyle

Whether you prefer brute strength to overpower your enemies or a stealthier approach to avoid direct confrontations, the customization options cater to your preferences. As you progress, you’ll unlock new suits and gadgets that further enhance your gameplay experience.

Every decision from the upgrades you select to the suits you wear can influence your effectiveness in combat, movement, and even certain story outcomes. The range of options allows for strategic planning, adding an extra layer of depth to the game.

How to download it?

Downloading The Amazing Spider-Man is a breeze when you navigate to PortalProgramas. Simply click on the download link located at the top of the page, and you’ll be on your way to experiencing Spider-Man’s world on your device.

The download process is straightforward, and you will find detailed instructions once you’ve clicked the link. Just follow the steps, and you’ll be ready to web-sling across New York City in no time.


  • Is the game appropriate for all ages?

  • Can you play the game offline?

  • Is there controller support for The Amazing Spider-Man app?

  • Are in-app purchases necessary to complete the game?

  • Is The Amazing Spider-Man compatible with all Android devices?

Ratings about The amazing Spider-Man

Very good

11 votes

  • Brilliant 
  • 5
  • Very good 
  • 3
  • Normal 
  • 1
  • Bad 
  • 1
  • Dreadful 
  • 1
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1 review by registered users





It is good

10 years ago

It is equal to the film and comics. It's fun.

helpful? Thanks

4 votes

Original review in Spanish translated with Google Translate. Read the original.


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720.32 MB

Latest version



English | German and 3 more

Total Downloads


Works with

Android 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4


6 years and 5 months ago

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