Windows Live Mail

Windows Live Mail


19º de 37 en Email


Download Windows Live Mail for Windows today and experience streamlined email management! Visit PortalProgramas to access the download.

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Integration of multiple email accounts.
Highly customisable user interface.
Advanced security and privacy features.
Comprehensive calendar and event management tools.


Limited to Windows operating systems.
No official support as the product reaches end-of-life.
Lacks some modern features found in newer email clients.
Interface may feel dated compared to current design trends.

Welcome to an in-depth review of Windows Live Mail, a versatile email client designed for managing your personal and professional communication with ease. This program stands out with its integration of multiple email accounts, calendar, and newsgroup functionality, streamlining the way you interact with your messages and your time.

Exploring the main features of Windows Live Mail

Windows Live Mail, a product of the Windows Essentials suite, serves as a robust email client ideal for users seeking simplicity and efficiency. This program supports POP3, IMAP, and Microsoft’s EAS protocols, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of email services. Users can easily manage their emails with features such as quick views, photo email, and a powerful search function. Windows Live Mail’s emphasis on organization is evident in its ability to categorize and store emails effectively, which is a boon for productivity.

Another key feature is the platform’s expansive support for plugins and extensions. The flexibility to customize your experience with additional tools means you can tailor Windows Live Mail to your specific needs. Whether you require more sophisticated spam filters or integrations with various productivity apps, the extensibility of Windows Live Mail is impressive.

How simplifies inbox management

The program’s interface is intuitive, fostering a swift adaptation even for novices. You’re graced with simple menu navigation and convenient email categorization. Focused Inbox is a stellar feature, distinguishing crucial emails from the less important, a true time-saver. Developing schedules is painless due to the calendar’s integration within the interface, allowing for easy meeting and event tracking alongside your primary communication.

Strong search capabilities ensure you’ll never lose track of an important thread or attachment. The software’s advanced algorithms permit swift retrieval of long-lost correspondences, no matter the account they’re associated with. This is paramount for users who handle substantial email volumes across different accounts and require seamless integration and management of all their communications within a single client.

The benefits of using it multiple email accounts

Linking several email accounts within Windows Live Mail is a straightforward process. This consolidation offers a unified view of multiple inboxes, sent items, and drafts, which is essential for efficiency. Switching between personal and work accounts is virtually seamless, enhancing the ease of email management.

Each added account can be customized with unique signatures, auto-replies, and other settings, meaning personalization is catered for without compromising the convenience of having all your emails in one place. The capacity to manage distinct email needs under one roof marks Windows Live Mail as the ideal solution for those juggling multiple roles or projects.

Analyzing the user interface and customisation options

The user interface of Windows Live Mail is clean and adaptable. With its streamlined look, modern yet accessible, the layout favours clarity and ease of access to essential features. You will find the personalisation options to be quite extensive, including customizing the color scheme, adjusting font sizes, or modifying the layout to better suit the way you work. These functionality tweaks are vital for software that becomes part of your daily routine.

Customization extends to the handling of email rules and alerts. You can dictate how emails are processed, from automatic sorting to alarm specifications for particular senders, ensuring that priority correspondence is appropriately highlighted. Such bespoke configurations can greatly enhance productivity and overall user satisfaction.

The adaptability  user interface

Adaptability lies at the heart of the application’s design ethos. The ability to drag and drop elements within the interface means you can adjust the layout to precisely what you find most efficient. Whether it’s prioritizing your inbox’s view or keeping the calendar insight, the control is in your hands. This flexibility reveals a deep understanding of varied user workflows and preferences.

Similarly, those with visual impairments will benefit from the thoughtfully included accessibility options, like high-contrast themes and the ability to enlarge text. Such inclusive design considerations validate Windows Live Mail’s position as a user-centric email client compatible with diverse needs.

Personalising Windows Live Mail to fit your workflow

Individual workflow nuances are catered to with a wide array of configurable options in Windows Live Mail. You can set detailed message rules, create automated replies and signatures, and organise emails into folders—all designed to streamline your specific workflow. The program’s adaptability means it moulds to fit your email habits, not the other way around.

Email notifications can be customized to ensure you are alerted according to your priorities. For instance, you may set the client to only notify you when you receive emails from VIP contacts. This minimises distractions while keeping you tuned into high-importance interactions. The attention to such details is what makes Windows Live Mail a natural extension of the user’s personal and professional communication sphere.

Understanding the security and privacy features

Email clients must prioritise security, and Windows Live Mail rises to this challenge. It incorporates industry-standard encryption for sending and receiving emails, which safeguards your communications against interception. In an age where data breaches are commonplace, this level of security is reassuring.

The program also upholds your privacy by meticulously handling your data. Privacy options are explicit and user-manageable, allowing you to determine the degree of data sharing you’re comfortable with. Windows Live Mail’s commitment to user privacy is a lynchpin in preserving trust and fostering a safe emailing environment.

How protects your emails?

The importance of email privacy cannot be overemphasised, and Windows Live Mail ensures peace of mind with features such as phishing filters and junk email management. Even better, when it detects suspicious messages, it offers clear warnings to keep users informed and vigilant. Protecting your inbox isn’t just about preventing spam; it’s about creating a secure space for your digital communication.

Regular updates play a critical role in maintaining security within the client. Windows Live Mail consistently receives patches and enhancements addressing the latest cyber threats, ensuring users are not left vulnerable to newly discovered exploits. A commitment to security updates is a strong indicator of a dependable software application.

Ensuring your privacy while using Windows Live Mail

User privacy is a cornerstone feature of Windows Live Mail. The application provides multiple settings allowing you to control the visibility of your emails and contacts. Your sensitive information remains under your discretion, a necessary provision in an era where privacy concerns are at an all-time high.

In addition to these privacy controls, Windows Live Mail does not profit from targeted advertising based on your email content—a practice seen in other free email services. This commitment to user privacy is a testament to the software’s design ethos, which favours user rights over ad revenue. It’s a refreshing stance that enhances the attraction of this email client.

How to download it?

To start your experience with Windows Live Mail, the process is quite straightforward. The download is initiated from the link found at the top of PortalProgramas, which is a trusted source for downloading various software applications. Simply navigate to the Windows Live Mail section, click the download button, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Downloading from PortalProgramas ensures you receive the official version of Windows Live Mail, protecting you from the risks associated with unofficial versions. Furthermore, the installation process is guided, ensuring even those with minimal technical experience can complete it without trouble. Once installed, configuring your email accounts is equally user-friendly, inviting you to dive into the full suite of features offered by this capable email client.

Getting Windows Live Mail set up on your system

Once downloaded, setting up Windows Live Mail on your system is an effortless task. The setup wizard walks users through every step, from basic configurations to optional settings for those who desire additional control. Account synchronization starts right away, which means you’ll be managing your emails in no time.

Should you require assistance, the Windows Live Mail community is active, with myriad resources available online. From official support pages to user forums, help is at hand should you encounter any difficulties. Ensuring a smooth setup is integral, and this robust support network is a valuable resource for any user starting with Windows Live Mail.

Identifying the ideal user for Windows Live Mail

Windows Live Mail is an excellent tool for individuals who value cohesive email communication. The ideal user is someone managing multiple email accounts, requiring a sturdy email client to consolidate their correspondence effectively. It’s perfect for professionals or private users who prioritise organisation, simplicity, and security in their digital communication.

Furthermore, this email client is highly suitable for users who appreciate customisation. Whether it’s tweaking the interface for accessibility reasons or setting intricate rules for message management, Windows Live Mail caters to a multitude of user preferences and requirements. Ultimately, its broad feature set and user-friendly design make it a compelling choice for an array of email users.

In conclusion, Windows Live Mail is a testament to email client innovation, balancing capacity with user-friendliness seamlessly. With features addressing security, privacy, and personalisation, it stands as a powerful contender in the realm of email management. Should you wish to download it, remember—the download link awaits your click at the top of PortalProgramas.

Preguntas frecuentes

  • Is the download free?

  • Can Windows Live Mail run on Windows 10?

  • Are there any geographical restrictions?

  • Does the installation include extra software?

  • What should I do if the installation fails?

Valoraciones sobre Windows Live Mail


136 votos

  • Excelente 
  • 80
  • Muy Bueno 
  • 30
  • Normal 
  • 5
  • Malo 
  • 3
  • Pésimo 
  • 17
¿Lo recomendarías? 
¿Cumple las expectativas? 
¿Es fácil de usar? 
¿Funciona bien? 
¿Es fiable y segura? 
¿Es rápida? 
¿Es mejor que otras similares? 
¿Ofrece muchas funcionalidades? 

Opiniones verificadas

11 opiniones de usuarios previos verificados





Patético! No tiene nada que ver con O.E.

Hace 10 años y 7 meses

Es malísimo. Outlook Express era mucho mejor. Se podían crear identidades, se podia ver el codigo html, era rápido y un sin fin de cosas más que hacen que la comparación ni siquiera se pueda pensar. El único problema de O.E. era la limitación de 2Gb para cada carpeta. Por lo demás era excelente. Pésimo es poco decir para WLM, es una verdadera basofia.

Lo mejor: No tiene nada bueno. Nada de nada.

Lo peor: Todo. Es lamentable que MS programe de esta manera. Cada día peor.

¿útil? Gracias

1 votos





Excelencia en envios y entradas de emails

Hace 7 años y 10 meses

Es buenísimo me gusta de muchos años atrás lo recomiendo, fácil de entender y recibir excelente su actualización

Lo mejor: Bueno y ayudador en envíos y recibir

Lo peor: No para nada, solo es seguir paso a paso los detalles

¿Lo recomendarías? 
¿Cumple las expectativas? 
¿Es fácil de usar? 
¿Funciona bien? 
¿Es fiable y segura? 
¿Es rápida? 
¿Es mejor que otras similares? 
¿Ofrece muchas funcionalidades? 
¿útil? Gracias





Servicial y sencillo

Hace 7 años y 10 meses

llevo mucho tiempo utilizando Live Mail y es sumamente sencillo y servicial que es lo que yo busco

Lo mejor: Sencillo, fácil, manejable, Útil, llega a todos por su sencillez

Lo peor: NO

¿Lo recomendarías? 
¿Cumple las expectativas? 
¿Es fácil de usar? 
¿Funciona bien? 
¿Es fiable y segura? 
¿Es rápida? 
¿Es mejor que otras similares? 
¿Ofrece muchas funcionalidades? 
¿útil? Gracias





Hace 6 años y 12 meses

es muy seguro y confiable, que sigan así y tendrán buenos resultados

¿Lo recomendarías? 
¿Cumple las expectativas? 
¿Es fácil de usar? 
¿Funciona bien? 
¿Es fiable y segura? 
¿Es rápida? 
¿Es mejor que otras similares? 
¿Ofrece muchas funcionalidades? 
¿útil? Gracias





facil de utilizar y nada complicado.

Hace 9 años

es el programa de mensajería mas fácil y completo de utilizar.

Lo mejor: cumple todas las expectativas que tenía puestas en el.

Lo peor: en ciertas ocasiones es un poco lento, sobre todo a la hora del inicio

¿Lo recomendarías? 
¿Cumple las expectativas? 
¿Es fácil de usar? 
¿Funciona bien? 
¿Es fiable y segura? 
¿Es rápida? 
¿Es mejor que otras similares? 
¿Ofrece muchas funcionalidades? 
¿útil? Gracias

5 votos





Hace 8 años

Es útil para mi actividad y mis conexiones sociales.

¿Lo recomendarías? 
¿Cumple las expectativas? 
¿Es fácil de usar? 
¿Funciona bien? 
¿Es fiable y segura? 
¿Es rápida? 
¿Es mejor que otras similares? 
¿Ofrece muchas funcionalidades? 
¿útil? Gracias





Hace 7 años y 11 meses

es muy practico y hace mucho tiempo que lo uso

¿Lo recomendarías? 
¿Cumple las expectativas? 
¿Es fácil de usar? 
¿Funciona bien? 
¿Es fiable y segura? 
¿Es rápida? 
¿Es mejor que otras similares? 
¿Ofrece muchas funcionalidades? 
¿útil? Gracias





Grandioso este programa en mi PC

Hace 7 años y 9 meses

El programa es excelente y me ayuda bastante

Lo mejor: No tengo tanto spam todo esta bien diariamente cuando reviso mi correo

Lo peor: no siempre todo los mensajes son positivos

¿Lo recomendarías? 
¿Cumple las expectativas? 
¿Es fácil de usar? 
¿Funciona bien? 
¿Es fiable y segura? 
¿Es rápida? 
¿Es mejor que otras similares? 
¿Ofrece muchas funcionalidades? 
¿útil? Gracias





Hace 10 años

no tiene corrector ortográfico en español

¿útil? Gracias

1 votos





excelente y facil de usar y util

Hace 6 años y 12 meses

tienes todos los correos en uno

Lo mejor: junta todos los correos en uno solo

Lo peor: cuesta configurar cuentas no tradicionales

¿Lo recomendarías? 
¿Cumple las expectativas? 
¿Es fácil de usar? 
¿Funciona bien? 
¿Es fiable y segura? 
¿Es rápida? 
¿Es mejor que otras similares? 
¿Ofrece muchas funcionalidades? 
¿útil? Gracias





Hace 7 años y 7 meses

todavía no la he probado bien

¿Lo recomendarías? 
¿Cumple las expectativas? 
¿Es fácil de usar? 
¿Funciona bien? 
¿Es fiable y segura? 
¿Es rápida? 
¿Es mejor que otras similares? 
¿Ofrece muchas funcionalidades? 
¿útil? Gracias

Novedades de la versión 16.4.3522

- Correcciones. Renovación en el diseño de la interfaz.

Otras alternativas a Windows Live Mail

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1,17 MB

Última versión




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Funciona en

Windows Vista, 7, 8


hace 10 años y 5 meses

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De confianza